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Fine Art  Prints (100% Cotton Paper)
 12x12 - $50, 12x18 - $70, 16x24 - $90, 20x20 - $120, 20x30 - $140

Digital Files (Edited) Packages
3 digital files - $75
5 digital files - $100
10 digital files - $150
Additional digital files - $10

Session Fee $125 - includes a minimum of
1 hr of photography time done at one outdoor 
location.  20 or more edited images to be viewed on
a private gallery on my website.  Session will include
treats and toys to help your dog stay focussed.  Last 
and not least I promise that both you and your furry
friend will have lots of fun!



Mini Session Fee $75 - includes 1/2 hour shooting time at one outdoor location.  10 edited images to be viewed on private gallery on my website.

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